About me

Stanislav Geissler
Epithets - My art is spreading from performance, photography, videos, writing, digital remake, painting and sculptures. But without ability to making sculptures I wouldn’t perform, making photos, videos and digital remakes. I am supporting my sculptures with writing and painting, collaborating with singers, musicians and other artists, to bring the unseen to the life.
Stained Glass art combines passion and intricate craftsmanship. My stained glass products are made using the finest materials but also recycled materials, new design or a historical artefact. Using inspiration from people and using my skills, to create exclusive Sculptures from stained glass and other materials.
Meaning, colors and shapes of the glass are small or large difference in between us, sometimes looking similar but then if you look closer you can tell how unique we are. But I would never come to this conclusion without observation. I started to do my art in London, but it was not really art what I was doing or looking for. I was escaping from reality I was tired and fed up with all the lies and that people treating each other carelessly. So I touch the clay and I start to feel better. Ceramics was the start to help me to heal myself, ceramics was also the inspiration to make me to do stained glass, the Vase I am calling My DNA was the entrance. It is the piece I learn how to do Stained Glass in 3D. And there is the explanation for me why colors and shapes in my art are the differences between each of us. But then the leads in the stained glass are the connection that we are all connected, not only as a people but within all surrounding animals’ nature and universe.
Composition of the final product is not it, but the journey to get there to imagine the final piece and then step by step getting there, to cut each piece of the glass and find the way to fit it in. And then another one, it is a challenge by every step it is mainly improvisation. I love the fact that I don’t know how but then I know because I finish it off. Every time I finish a piece of work I am stunning and siting in the studio and just looking at it and saying what a hell is just happen, no matter I started three months ago. Because that is the past and now is now and no matter how difficult was the journey this is it. When I finished The Formless Substance I was like “please don’t ask me to it again” or if I just wake up from a coma, you tell me that I did it I would not believe you.
Artist Stanislav Geissler Statement
Short biography including education and achievements
Art in my life, since I remember I was always creative mostly as a model maker and plasticine builder also as I was enjoying mosaics making, painting and drawing, I did attend after school Art classes. In the age of 14, my mum decides I am going to be a panel beater so I did. Since the age of 28 I start study metaphysics, mainly the subject of the law of attraction. And here I am I spent almost 10 years to study and observing my life and life’s of others, the process and mechanisms of the nature and I come to one conclusion, and that what is my art about.
Describe your practice and process
Non visual art is Gratitude, Appreciation, Sending positive energy, visual art than combine the materials I am using to put together the images which appears to me in the meditation. I studied ceramics in an intense course and I started follow the influence of the material. Then I star follow the influence of the images from the appearances, which combine more materials, to achieve a quality final product I am study each material to understand its ability. I am self-taught in stained glass and in this moment I am study plaster and porcelain slip casting.
Expression of interest
What is your area of research and focus?
Metaphysics subject to the law of attraction the effect of positive or negative thoughts in to our future. With more than 10 years of observing life, since the first time I realise that there is something what influencing our future, and as a result and understanding black or white magic, I chose to follow the path of the white magic. To achieve what I want to achieve is to know what I want to do. To be happy in what I do is to realise the purpose of life. It took me 14 years since I become a panel beater; I took the ownership and follow my talent in to art.
How would you engage a professional arts audience and the general public with your work?
I am not the first who study Metaphysics and the subject Law of attraction, the project I am working on is about our future and consider every person in the universe, gratitude is a big part of our being, learning and education, inspiration and respect to the basic law of the nature. Its took me 10 years to be confidant and certain that the law of attraction working, what you give a way you will receive back, what you wish for, will come to your way soon or later.
My art is very special and unique, for those who already achieve what they were up to achieve but also for those who are on the way to success. My life was roller-coaster till one day when I wake up and start to observe my life. I started to look at life as a sections or short stories of events which happened to me in the past. I started to give myself questions what is it and why it’s happening to me? It didn’t take long and I receive an answer in the form of a book. I learned that the answers will not always come from a person; which was the only understandable option for me that time. Some time I would classify my life successful and other time unsuccessful. That was wrong because even unsuccessful events have a positive impulse for our future if we are not giving up. And that is the test of faith. So I put out another question? The answer I receive was attitude, if the event in your life was unsuccessful than your attitude was not positive. The events which you was celebrating the highs of your life was the positive attitude. ”But that is not it” nothing will happen in your life before you think ……………………………………………………………….
Good thinking, wrong thinking, nice thinking, ugly thinking, it doesn’t matter! Every time you think you produce affection to your life. You releasing energy, very powerful energy which creating the present and the future, between the present and the future is not a time limit, it is limitless and thinking less. The energy of thinking commuting with other energy of thinking life, which waiting for impulse to create domino effects which can be super-fast or super slow. Thinking life is all living possibilities around the planet. “But that is not it” nothing would be sustainable with no gratitude. Gratitude or appreciation is the key to remember who we are, where we coming from and where we going to.
I am dust man with the beautiful talent of creation who realise that there is more than black and white life and that we can do what we want to do and be who we want to be, my foundation is to learn more and teach, inspire those who don’t see our bright future.
To summarise this I would say “More question you will put out, more answers you will received”. If I will trough a stone to the water I will see immediately effect of round circles running across the water surface. Make a splash with waves affecting everything on the surface till complete exhaustion and water stay still again. What I wouldn’t see is the effect of the stone falling down through the water to the bottom.
My thoughts are about the waves and my Sculptures are about the stone which felling down through the water. I would like to see the Sculptures to land in a beautiful peaceful environment, which is about positive thinking and positive energy.