Reborn Porcelain angel, pregnant porcelain angel, pregnant porcelain angel with stained glass wings, An angel come to tell us the good...

Gratitude to the Universe Present
Gratitude to the Universe - Present Is the finally for the Singing Sculptures presented in London February 2014 Gratitude to...

The Formless Substance
The Formless Substance The Tree; The Guardians; The Legs; The Heads; The Colours; The Decoration; The Story; H 58 x W 31 x D 31 cm...

The Thinking Substanc
The Thinking Substance We can say that is just a · 1000 pieces of Broken Glass · 1000 g of Plaster · 500 g of...

The Original Substance
The New Dream / dust TO dust Close your eyes and listen to my story >I< just come back from a long trip of the universe. The New Dream /...

Trilogy of Life
Trilogy of Life By one wave you can make a mess by another wave you can throw colours of paint on the canvas and another wave you can...